PROTECTION & REMEDIAL TREATMENT 4.1 121 CATHEDRAL COMMUNICATIONS THE BUILDING CONSERVATION DIRECTORY 2024 ◼ FOUR WALLS BUILDING COMPANY LIMITED Fulford House, Newbold Terrace, Leamington Spa, Warwickshire CV32 6EA Tel 01926 831534 Mobile 07788 264782 Email MASONRY CLEANING/BRICK SERVICES: See also: profile entry in Building Contractors, page 56. ◼ HIRST CONSERVATION LTD Head office – Laughton, Sleaford, Lincolnshire NG34 0HE Tel 01529 497449 ▪ London office – 75 Cowcross Street, London EC1M 6EL Tel 0800 917 8664 Email ARCHITECTURAL CONSERVATION, STONE CLEANING AND RELATED SERVICES: See also: display entry on the inside front cover and profile entry in Mortars & Renders, page 123. ◼ J S STONEMASONRY LTD 3 Milton Fields, Chalfont St Giles, Buckinghamshire HP8 4ER Tel 01494 490403 Email BUILDING CONTRACTORS: See also: display entry in Stone, page 76. ◼ LONDON STONE CONSERVATION LTD Unit 25 Enterprise Row, Rangemoor Road Industrial Area, London N15 4LU Tel 020 8885 0400 Email MASONRY CLEANING: See also: profile entry in Stone, pages 77. MASONRY CLEANING cont’d SMB RESTORATION LTD Specialist Stone Cleaning & Masonry Paint Stripping. Historic, Period & Commercial Properties, Churches & Monuments 01525 210120 01453 540 600 | G4/G5 | Draycott Business Park | Cam Dursley | Gloucestershire | GL11 5DQ With specialist knowledge of the industry, our products have been proven to effectively clean masonry without damage. The Stonehealth DOFF and TORC systems have been used on some of Britain’s most iconic landmarks, such as Westminster Abbey, Tower of London and Canterbury Cathedral. DOFF is a steam based stone cleaning system. It is unlike any other steam system and can achieve temperatures of 150°C at the nozzle end. The operator is able to vary the temperature and pressure to remove many types of paint or biological matter. Clean-Film is a latex paste that is applied to internal surfaces to remove dirt, stains and pollution. This product does not use water and there is no risk of leaving salts or other chemical residues. There are no chemical after effects to the substrate. The TORC System is a complete stone cleaning system designed and sold exclusively by Stonehealth. The TORC system creates a gentle swirling vortex using a mixture of low air pressure, little water and a safe inert fine granulate. Generic Stonehealth Advert No 2.indd 1 16/05/2016 13:07