164 THE BUILDING CONSERVATION DIRECTORY 2024 CATHEDRAL COMMUNICATIONS HISTORIC BUILDINGS & PLACES MEMBERSHIP INCLUDES The 150-page volume of the Journal of Historic Buildings & Places Three issues annually of Heritage Now Events and visits to historic sites Through your support our work continues to save historic buildings and places of all ages and types, for the benefit of all. Our caseworkers guide local authorities, those responsible for places of worship, and building owners in managing change to the historic environment, and we make major contributions to the study of architectural history and conservation. Visit www.hbap.org.uk/join-us/membership contact us via phone on 020 7236 3934, or email us at membership@hbap.org.uk Historic Buildings & Places is the working name of the Ancient Monuments Society. USEFUL CONTACTS cont’d The Concrete Repair Association Tel 01420 471615 www.cra.org.uk The Conservation Accreditation Register for Engineers (CARE) Tel 020 7222 7722 www.bc-url.com/care The Conservation Register Tel 020 3142 6799 www.conservationregister.com Construction History Society Tel 01223 332950 www.constructionhistory.co.uk The Construction Industry Training Board Tel 0344 994 4400 www.citb.co.uk ConstructionSkills Tel 0344 994 4400 www.citb.co.uk Corrosion Prevention Association Tel 01420 471614 www.corrosionprevention. org.uk COTAC - Council on Training in Architectural Conservation Tel 020 8522 1705 www.cotac.global Council for British Archaeology Tel 01904 671417 www.archaeologyuk.org Council of Europe Tel +33 (0)3 88 41 20 00 www.coe.int/en/web/ culture-and-heritage/ The Courtauld Institute of Art Tel 020 7848 2777 courtauld.ac.uk/study/ postgraduate Creative and Cultural Skills Tel 020 7015 1800 www.ccskills.org.uk Cultura Trust Tel 0333 003 4007 www.culturatrust.org Department for Communities Northern Ireland - Historic Environment Division Tel 028 9081 9226 www.communities-ni.gov.uk/ topics/historic-environment Department for Culture, Media and Sport Tel 020 7211 6000 www.gov.uk/dcms Design Council Tel 020 7420 5200 www.designcouncil.org.uk DOCOMOMO - UK Tel 020 7253 6624 www.docomomo.org.uk Dry Stone Walling Association of Great Britain Tel 015395 67953 www.dswa.org.uk Earth Building UK & Ireland www.ebuki.co The Ecclesiastical Architects and Surveyors Association www.easa.org.uk Energy Saving Trust England Tel 0800 512 012 www.energysavingtrust.org.uk English Heritage Tel 0370 333 1181 www.english-heritage.org.uk English Stone Forum www.englishstone.org.uk Entrust Tel 01926 488300 www.entrust.org.uk Europa Nostra Tel +31 (0)7030 24050 www.europanostra.org Fáilte Ireland Tel +353 (0)1-5741990 www.failteireland.ie Federation of Traditional Metal Roofing Contractors Tel 01342 301627 www.ftmrc.co.uk Fire Protection Association Tel 01608 812500 www.thefpa.co.uk Fit for the Future Tel 07483 117653 www.fftf.org.uk Friends of Friendless Churches Tel 0204 520 4458 www. friendsoffriendlesschurches. org.uk The Furniture History Society Tel 01444 413845 www.furniturehistorysociety. org The Garden Museum Tel 020 7401 8865 www.gardenmuseum.org.uk The Gardens Trust Tel 020 7608 2409 www.thegardenstrust.org The Georgian Group Tel 020 7529 8920 www.georgiangroup.org.uk Guild of Architectural Ironmongers Tel 020 7033 2480 www.gai.org.uk Heat Pump Association (HPA) Tel 0118 940 3416 www.heatpumps.org.uk Heritage Alliance Tel 020 7233 0500 www.theheritagealliance. org.uk The Heritage Council Tel +353 (0)5677 70777 www.heritagecouncil.ie The Heritage Funding Directory Tel 020 7925 0199 www. heritagefundingdirectoryuk. org Heritage Ireland Tel + 353 46 942 3130 www.heritageireland.ie The Heritage Society of Engineers Ireland Tel +353 (0)1663 3040 www.engineersireland. ie/Heritage Heritage Trust Network www.heritagetrustnetwork. org.uk Historic Buildings and Places Tel 020 7236 3934 hbap.org.uk Historic Buildings Council (Northern Ireland) Tel 028 9081 9351 / 9295 www.communities-ni. gov.uk/articles/historicbuildings-council Historic Chapels Trust Tel 07741 016832 bc-url.com/historicchapelstrust