35 CATHEDRAL COMMUNICATIONS THE BUILDING CONSERVATION DIRECTORY 2024 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1 HERITAGE CONSULTANTS cont’d ◼ THE URBAN GLOW DESIGN & HERITAGE LTD Cavendish House, St. Andrews Court, Leeds LS3 1JY Tel 01132 745092 Email andy@urbanglowdesign.com www.urbanglowdesign.com HERITAGE CONSULTANTS: This heritage and urban design consultancy specialises in assessments and conceptual designs for new developments within historic areas. This practice has a wellrespected track record of conservation area appraisals, area master planning, design guidance, public realm concepts/delivery, heritage and urban design expert witness and heritage significance/impact statements. The Urban Glow Design & Heritage Ltd believes in the fusion of contextual new design and take a creative approach to its projects and pride itself in communicating its findings in a visual and accessible manner for all. ◼ VALLIS & HALL CONSERVATION ARCHITECTS incorporating Jane Jones-Warner Associates Middle Barn, Oak Lane, Chichester, West Sussex PO20 7FD Tel 01243 767151/02393 190065 Email mail@vallisandhall.com www.vallisandhall.com CONSERVATION ARCHITECTS AND HERITAGE CONSULTANTS: See also: profile entry in Architects, page 20. PLANNING CONSULTANTS ◼ GARETH JONES HERITAGE PLANNING London Tel 07425 134170 Email gareth@gjheritageplanning.co.uk www.garethjonesheritageplanning.co.uk HERITAGE AND TOWNSCAPE CONSULTANTS: See also: display entry in Heritage Consultants, page 32. NON-DESTRUCTIVE INVESTIGATIONS ◼ HUTTON + ROSTRON ENVIRONMENTAL INVESTIGATIONS LIMITED Head office: Netley House, Gomshall, Surrey GU5 9QA Tel 01483 203221 Email ei@handr.co.uk ▪ Manchester office Tel 01457 761427 ▪ Nottingham office Tel 01636 642914 ▪ Oxford office Tel 07741 561408 www.handr.co.uk CONSULTANTS ON BUILDING FAILURES AND ENVIRONMENTS: See also: profile entries in Damp & Timber Decay, page 129 and Heritage Consultants, page 32. HEALTH & SAFETY ◼ HERITAGE TESTING LTD Unit 43, The Old Brickworks, Plumpton Green, East Sussex BN7 3DF Tel 01273 891785 Fax 01273 256545 Mobile 07714 006916 Email consultant@heritagetesting.co.uk www.heritagetesting.co.uk www.testforlead.co.uk HEALTH AND SAFETY: See also: profile entries in Material Analysts on this page, and Paint Toxicology, page 124. Mortar Analysis & Consultancy roseofjericho.co.uk Expert assessment of historic mortars and plasters. Microscopic, chemical and instrumental evaluation. Full interpretation of results. Mortar matching. Building Conservation Directory ANALYSIS.indd 1 01/09/2022 15:56:00 MATERIALS ANALYSTS ◼ HERITAGE TESTING LTD Unit 43, The Old Brickworks, Plumpton Green, East Sussex BN7 3DF Tel 01273 891785 Fax 01273 256545 Mobile 07714 006916 Email consultant@heritagetesting.co.uk www.heritagetesting.co.uk www.testforlead.co.uk SPECIALISED CONSULTANCY AND LABORATORY TESTING SERVICE: In support of construction, conservation, restoration and remediation. Lead and toxic metals in paint surveys. Lime mortar, render and plaster analysis. Wattle and daub, cob, earth. Roman cement/early Portland cement. Corrosion of reinforcement and sulphate attack in concrete. Building pathology and damp. Identification of expanded insulation/cladding panel foam type. Projects include Windsor Castle, Lambeth Palace, Stephenson Bridge, Gunnersbury Park, Flaxley Abbey, Twyford Abbey, The Royal Pavilion, Clarence House, Osborne House, HMS Victory, Dover Castle, Saltdean Lido, and Ctesiphon, Iraq. See also: profile entry in Paint Toxicology, page 124. ◼ HIRST CONSERVATION LTD Head office – Laughton, Sleaford, Lincolnshire NG34 0HE Tel 01529 497449 ▪ London office – 75 Cowcross Street, London EC1M 6EL Tel 0800 917 8664 Email pa@hirst-conservation.com www.hirst-conservation.com ANALYSIS OF PLASTER AND PAINT LAYERS: See also: display entry on the inside front cover and profile entry in Mortars & Renders, page 123.