4 Printed on sustainably produced PEFC™ certified paper THE BUILDING CONSERVATION DIRECTORY The Thirty-first Edition of the Directory Published April 2024 ISBN 978 1 912747 18 4 PUBLISHED BY Cathedral Communications Limited, High Street, Tisbury, Wiltshire, England SP3 6HA Tel 01747 871717 Email info@buildingconservation.com www.buildingconservation.com DIRECTORS Liz Coyle-Camp Jonathan Taylor EDITORS Jonathan Taylor Robyn Pender PUBLICATIONS MANAGER Joanna Collie PRODUCTION CO-ORDINATOR Lynn Green ADMINISTRATION Lydia Porter ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Nicholas Rainsford Carla Winchcombe TYPESETTING & DESIGN xendo PRINTING Micropress Printers Ltd COVER PHOTO The nave ceiling of St John’s, Bath (Photo: Jonathan Taylor) The many companies and specialists advertising in The Building Conservation Directory have been invited to participate on the basis of their established involvement in the field of building conservation and the suitability of some of their products and services for historic buildings. Some of the participants also supply products and services to other areas of the building market which have no application in the building conservation field. The inclusion of any company or individual in this publication should not necessarily be regarded as either a recommendation or an endorsement by the publishers. Although every effort has been made to ensure that information in this book is correct at the time of printing, responsibility for errors or omissions cannot be accepted by the publishers or any of the contributors. © Copyright 2024 Cathedral Communications Limited All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recordings, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of Cathedral Communications Limited. £19.60 THE BUILDING CONSERVATION DIRECTORY This directory provides specifiers of works to historic buildings, their contents and surroundings an invaluable starting point in the search for appropriate products, services and expert advice. The many technical editorial articles are written by leaders in this field and cover a wide range of important issues. The articles are not intended to be comprehensive but rather to raise awareness and stimulate dialogue amongst those involved with the historic environment. Other reference information points the way on current legislation, continuing education and sources for further information and advice. All suppliers in The Building Conservation Directory pay a fee to be included and although Cathedral Communications does not formally approve or recommend them, we do screen out inappropriate suppliers and products to maintain the established integrity of the directory. This ensures that it remains a useful and credible forum in which appropriate suppliers can promote their businesses. Directory users should seek more detailed information and advice from suppliers before undertaking any sensitive project. HOW TO FIND WHAT YOU NEED The table of contents (page 5) together with the products and services index and the specialists index at the back should help you find the product, service or supplier you are looking for. In addition, the selector tables which head up each main section provide a comprehensive breakdown of relevant products and services supplied by each company. Follow the index or selector table page reference to the appropriate section or company and start the selection process. It may be helpful to contact more than one supplier. And please remember to tell each that you found them in The Building Conservation Directory. If you still can’t find what or who you need, don’t despair. You can visit our industry leading website at www.buildingconservation.com or phone us on 01747 871717 and we’ll put you in touch with someone who can help. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS For the contributions to this edition of The Building Conservation Directory we would particularly like to thank the author of the foreword, David McDonald, Chair of IHBC, our advertisers for their continuing support and our dedicated production team. Special mention goes to all those who have contributed articles, illustrations, information or assistance including: Lee Bilson, Recclesia Maria-Elena Calderón, Historic England Ross Cameron, Historic Environment Scotland Carlotta Cammelli, Recclesia Martin Cooper, Lynton Lasers Jonathan Deeming, Purcell Jen Farquharson, Historic Environment Scotland Alison Henry, Historic England Liz Laycock, Sheffield Hallam University Graham Lee, COTAC Eleni Makri, Conservation PD Devinder Matharu, Walsall MBC Martina Pacifici, Adam Architecture Matthew Wellesley-Smith, Hutton + Rostron Environmental Investigations Ltd Polly Westlake, Cliveden Conservation Jenifer White CATHEDRAL COMMUNICATIONS CATHEDRAL COMMUNICATIONS 31st edition