Historic Churches 2024

44 BCD SPECIAL REPORT ON HISTORIC CHURCHES 31st ANNUAL EDITION USEFUL CONTACTS AABC Tel 0161 832 0666 www.aabc-register.co.uk Ancient Yew Group Tel 01234 768884 www.ancient-yew.org The Anglo-Catholic History Society Tel 020 7833 1555 www.achs.org.uk Archaeology Scotland Tel 0300 012 9878 www.archaeologyscotland.org.uk Architects Registration Board Tel 020 7580 5861 www.arb.org.uk The Architectural Heritage Fund Tel 020 7925 0199 www.ahfund.org.uk The Architectural Heritage Society of Scotland Tel 0131 557 0019 www.ahss.org.uk Art and Christianity Tel 020 3757 5492 www.artandchristianity.org Association for Studies in the Conservation of Historic Buildings www.aschb.org.uk Association of Consultant Architects www.acarchitects.co.uk Association of English Cathedrals Tel 07860 921419 www.englishcathedrals.co.uk The Association of Independent Organ Advisors www.aioa.org.uk Association of Technical Lightning & Access Specialists Tel 0844 249 0026 www.atlas.org.uk Baptist Building CIO Tel 07506 663761 www.baptistbuilding.org Baptist Union of Great Britain Tel 01235 517754 www.baptist.org.uk Baptist Union of Wales Tel 0345 222 1514 www.buw.wales The Bat Conservation Trust Tel 0345 1300 228 www.bats.org.uk Benefact Trust Tel 01452 873189 www.benefacttrust.co.uk The British Institute of Organ Studies Tel 01737 241355 www.bios.org.uk The British Society of Master Glass Painters Tel 01643 862807 www.bsmgp.org.uk The Building Conservation Directory Tel 01747 871717 www.buildingconservation.com The Building Limes Forum www.buildinglimesforum.org.uk Cadw Tel 0300 0256000 www.cadw.gov.wales Cathedral Architects Association Tel 07860 921419 www.cathedralarchitects.org Cathedral Communications Limited Tel 01747 871717 www.buildingconservation.com/ cathcomm.htm Cathedral Music Trust Tel 020 3151 6096 www.cathedralmusictrust.org.uk Cathedrals Fabric Commission for England Tel 020 7898 1862 www.bc-url.com/c-of-e-cathedrals Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales Tel 020 7630 8220 www.cbcew.org.uk Catholic Heritage Tel 0131 556 3661 www.catholic-heritage.net The Chapels Society Tel 0131 556 3661 www.chapelssociety.org.uk Chartered Association of Building Engineers Tel 01604 404121 www.cbuilde.com Chartered Institute for Archaeologists Tel 0118 966 2841 www.archaeologists.net Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists (CIAT) Tel 020 7278 2206 www.architecturaltechnology. com The Chartered Institute of Building Tel 01344 630700 www.ciob.org The Chartered Institution of Building Services Engineers Tel 020 8675 5211 www.cibse.org The Church Buildings Council Tel 020 7898 1000 www.bc-url.com/c-of-e-cbc The Church in Wales Tel 029 2034 8200 www.churchinwales.org.uk The Church Monuments Society www.churchmonumentssociety. org The Church of Scotland General Trustees Tel 0131 225 5722 www.churchofscotland.org.uk Churches Conservation Trust Tel 0845 303 2760 www.visitchurches.org.uk Churches’ Legislation Advisory Service Tel 020 7222 1265 www.churcheslegislation.org.uk Churches Visitor and Tourism Association www.cvta.org.uk Commonwealth Heritage Forum www.commonwealthheritage.org Commonwealth War Graves Commission Tel 01628 507200 www.cwgc.org Congregational Federation Tel 0115 911 1460 www.congregational.org.uk The Conservation Accreditation Register for Engineers (CARE) Tel 020 7222 7722 www.bc-url.com/care The Conservation Register Tel 020 3142 6799 www.conservationregister.com Construction History Society Tel 01223 332950 www.constructionhistory.co.uk Corpus of Romanesque Sculpture in Britain and Ireland www.crsbi.ac.uk COTAC – Council on Training in Architectural Conservation Tel 020 8522 1705 www.cotac.global Council for British Archaeology Tel 01904 671417 www.archaeologyuk.org Council for British Archaeology Tel 01904 671417 www.archaeologyuk.org Department for Communities Northern Ireland – Historic Environment Division Tel 028 9081 9226 www.communities-ni.gov.uk/ topics/historic-environment DOCOMOMO UK Tel 020 7253 6624 www.docomomo.org.uk Dry Stone Walling Association of Great Britain Tel 015395 67953 www.dswa.org.uk Earth Building UK and Ireland www.ebuki.co The Ecclesiastical Architects and Surveyors Association www.easa.org.uk Ecclesiological Society Tel 07771 507115 www.ecclsoc.org Eco Church, A Rocha UK Tel 020 8574 5935 ecochurch.arocha.org.uk Eco-Congregation www.ecocongregation.org English Heritage Tel 0370 333 1181 www.english-heritage.org.uk Entrust Tel 01926 488300 www.entrust.org.uk Federation of Traditional Metal Roofing Contractors Tel 01342 301627 www.ftmrc.co.uk Fire Protection Association Tel 01608 812500 www.thefpa.co.uk Foundation for Jewish Heritage Tel 07968 529609 www.foundationforjewishheritage. com AABC Registered Architects demonstrate the highest levels of skills in the conservation, repair, and sensitive design of new interventions to historic buildings Find your AABC Registered Architect at aabc-register.co.uk