
Contents 1
Briefing 2
Out of context 4
Letter 4
Periodically 5
The writer's voice 8
Legal update 9
Editorial 11
Value transitions between heritage and nature by Imogen Wood 12
Life and death at Highgate Cemetery by Ian Dungavell 14
Shaping the Northern Forest by Sian Atkinson, Liam Plummer and Emily Sloan 17
Everyone needs trees by Erika Diaz Petersen 20
Saving traditional orchards by Anthea Jones 23
Birkenhead Park shows the way by Marie Le Devehat and Urmila Jha-Thakur 26
Don't take British stone for granted by Mark North 29
Heritage management plans and historic landscapes by Ben Cowell 32
Bats in churches by Diana Evans, David Knight, Sarah Robinson, Diana Spencer, Lisa Worledge and Kate Jones 35
Hardwick Old Hall, Derbyshire by Dorian Proudfoot and Tom Bromet 39
Heritage, industry and slavery by Ian Wray 42
Developing the UK world heritage tentative list by Chris Blandford 45
The battle for Cambridge's Mill Road Free Library, part 2 by John Preston 49
Heritage building skills and live-site training by Sean Knight, Sophie Norton, Dorian Proudfoot and Joseph Tong 52
Restoring Alexander Pope's Grotto by Ayaka Takaki 55
New member profile 59
Notes from the chair 60
Director's cut 61
Inter alia 63
Vox pop 64
New members 65
Book reviews 66
Products and services 69
Specialist suppliers index 72