Wood Forum: Oak Timber Framing course: Jowl Posts

19-23 Feb, 2024
Weald and Downland Living Museum, Chichester

This course teaches students how to frame timbers together to ensure the correct lengths, bevels and allowances and carry out double-cut scribing, string-line and plumb rule layouts. During the workshop the primary timbers – posts, plates, beams and cills – will be lined-out, scribed, cut and fitted. The course will focus on historic tools and techniques and aims to develop the students' knowledge and experience of the specific problems facing the historic carpenter framing with 'wet' or 'green' oak.
Contact: ICOMOS-UK
Tel: 01243 811363
Email: courses@wealddown.co.uk
Website: www.wealddown.co.uk/events/oak-timber-framing-jowl-posts-2/
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