Abacus Construction Index
A searchable directory of more than 1,500 websites and online
documents for US construction professionals.
Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP)
An independent Federal agency which promotes the preservation,
enhancement, and productive use of historic resources in
the USA and advises the President and Congress on national
historic preservation policy.
A searchable indexed compendium of telephone numbers and
links to over 1,500 selected building product manufacturers
and other sites for architects, surveyors, contractors,
self builders and anyone else in the UK construction industry.
for Preservation Technology International (APT)
A cross-disciplinary organisation dedicated to
promoting the best technology for conserving historic structures
and their settings, with members in 28 countries.
Information resource for the historic environment of Wales, and internet home of Cadw, the Welsh Government's historic environment service. The site includes advice, guidance and policies relating to the protection of the historic environment.
Church Care
The Council for the Care of Churches' one-stop shop website for information on the conservation and general maintenance of church buildings.
Climate Change and your Home
Developed by English Heritage (see below), this website provides information and advice on the impact of climate change on houses of traditional construction built before the Second World War, and it looks at ways of improving their energy efficiency.
The Conservation Register
The Conservation Register provides detailed information on experienced and professionally qualified conservators based in the UK and Ireland. Each business has been required to meet rigorous criteria which include professional accreditation. It is free to use and it is searchable by specialist skill and geographical location. Owned and maintained by Icon, the Institute of Conservation, the information is regularly updated.
- Conservation OnLine
A full text library covering a wide spectrum of topics to
do with the conservation of library, archives and museum
materials, maintained by Stanford University
for Historic Buildings
A comprehensive website providing guidance to funding for
anyone seeking to repair, restore or convert for a new use
any historic building in England and Wales. The website
contains all the material previously published in the Architectural
Heritage Fund's annual hard copy Directory of Funding
A database of industrial heritage in the UK and Ireland. The site includes Industrial Explorer, a collaborative industrial history mapping project, as well as an industrial heritage events guide, information about ongoing preservation campaigns, and listings covering relevant career, training and volunteering opportunities.
HELM - Historic Environment Local Management
English Heritage's information and training resource for local authorities and the voluntary sector, HELM provides information on heritage protection reform in England, details of training events and publications, useful web links and news.
US website providing advice and guidance on the proper care
and maintenance of historic documents, works of art, photographs,
architecture, monuments and historic objects.
Historic England
Internet home of the statutory body (formerly part of English Heritage) responsible for the historic environment in England. The website provides relevant advice, guidance and information on research, policies, archives and collections and the English designation system.
Historic Environment Scotland
Information resource for Scotland's historic environment, and internet home of Historic Environment Scotland (formerly Historic Scotland), the lead public body established to investigate, care for and promote Scotland’s historic environment. The site includes advice, guidance and policies on key subjects relating to the historic environment.
- International Centre for the Study of the Preservation
and Restoration of Cultural Property
Extensive library catalogue plus technical information,
training and ICCROM programmes across the world.
- International Council on Monuments and Sites
News and information from UNESCO's principal advisor on
heritage conervation.
Looking at Buildings
An introduction to architecture and its history created by the Pevsner Architectural Guides, with pages on building types, architectural styles and traditions, building materials and methods of construction, and an expanding guide and introduction to buildings in seven of England's cities. There's also a really useful glossary.
Maintain Your Church
The Church Buildings Maintenance in Scotland's website designed to provide information, toolkits and other resources to increase knowledge of how to maintain the nation's churches.
National Trust
News, events and information on the countryside, coastline
and more than 200 buildings and gardens of outstanding interest
and importance in NT care.
Trust for Historic Preservation Library, University of Maryland
A national resource centre for the study of historic preservation,
including conservation databases, catalogues and archives.
An invaluable
collection of 47 concise, informative articles published
by the Technical Preservation Services for Historic Buildings
of the National Parks Service (United States).
conservation and restoration of buildings and monuments
links page maintained by Robert Gordon University,
international conservation resources. |