Historic Churches

The Conservation and Repair of Ecclesiastical Buildings, 30th Annual Edition (December 2023)

cover of historic churches magazine with cherubs from a window by Veronica Whall

As a category, places of worship includes an extremely high proportion of the UK’s grade I and category A listed buildings and most of our oldest ones. Moreover, these buildings have been ornamented by the greatest artists of their period, from sculptors and carvers of wood and stone, to the painters and decorators of ceilings, panels, murals and stained glass windows.

However, as the resources of congregations continue to decline, it is also the most threatened category, and the number of closures is set to rise sharply.

Historic Churches magazine celebrates this heritage of ecclesiastical art and architecture, promotes its conservation, and publicises developments in the fight to keep the UK’s historic places of worship open and cared for.

Beautifully illustrated in full colour throughout, the 30th edition of Historic Churches will be of interest to all who are involved in the maintenance and conservation of places of worship and their memorials, or who have an interest in this precious legacy.

A digital 'flipping book' version is available here free of charge, or order a printed copy of the 2023 edition below.

The 31st edition will be published in October 2024.

Articles in the 30th (2023) edition

    and obituary of Gordon Sorensen

    Luke March

  • CONSERVATION SKILLS: Training in the cathedral setting
    Michael Sheppard

  • LLEFA’R CERRIG: A strategic project in northwest Wales to save five of Britain’s earliest Christian sites
    Janet Gough

    Nigel Walters

    Geraldine O’Farrell

  • VERONICA WHALL and the Somerset window at Maiden Bradley
    Jonathan Taylor

    Jeremy Chadburn

  • BATH ABBEY: Discovering the lost Anglo-Saxon monastery and medieval cathedral priory
    Cai Mason

  • ECO CHURCHES: Restoration and renewal in a rapidly warming world
    Helen Stephens




Historic Churches 30th edition (2023)

Historic Churches magazine, including postage to:

Historic Churches 29th edition (2022)

Historic Churches magazine, including postage to:

Historic Churches 28th edition (2021)

Historic Churches magazine, including postage to:

All prices include postage and packing.

To order a copy select the postage for your region and click the 'buy now' link, then complete your online purchase. If you prefer you can phone us with your credit card details or send a cheque for the relevant amount made payable to Cathedral Communications Limited, to the following address:

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Previous editions available in digital, page-flipping format:

      Historic Churches magazine cover with a picture of a 15th century rood screen in Devon
  29th Edition, 2022   28th Edition, 2021   27th Edition, 2020
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